Thursday, June 29, 2017

Veggie soup (with meat or vegan)

Some ideas for veggie soup ingredients. You can use whatever you have in the house. Add meat/broth or skip it... it's all up to you! All ingredients are optional! Add whatever you like/whatever you have.

Chicken broth (optional- when I use it I prefer to make my own just boil organic free range chicken bones in water to cover for an hour and strain through a sieve)

Diced or shredded chicken/beef or other meat (optional)

beans - any type you like

tomatoes or tomato sauce


zucchini (green squash) or yellow squash

fennel- if you like the taste

kale, collards or spinach , escarole or a combination

butternut or acorn squash

sweet potatoes

white potatoes

brown rice or quinoa



string beans

any herbs you like-- I like cilantro

onions or scallion or leeks


stir in some hummus for added flavor

stir in some hot sauce for added flavor 

kombu or other seaweed a small amount gives the soup extra minerals

seasalt and pepper to taste

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