Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Corn Free Marshmallows (candy)

I haven't tried these yet but they come from a trusted Chef friend. Thanks Amy!

*Golden Syrup is found here...> http://www.amazon. com/dp/B000MO8RO K?tag=ochefcom- 20&link_code=as3&creativeASIN =B000MO8ROK& creative= 373489&camp= 211189

Once you have tried homemade marshmallows, you'll never settle for those supermarket bags. These are truly amazing, both to make and treat. Watching the syrup fluff up is one of those magical-seeming scienceexperiments that make candymaking fun.

Thanks to Cooking for Engineers for the great information on the science and history of marshmallow making, as well as the recipe that inspired this corn-free version.

3 tablespoons unflavored gelatin
3/4 cup water, seperated
2 cups white sugar
2/3 cup golden syrup or honey
1/4 teaspoon salt
potato starch

Tools needed: stand mixer with paddle attachment and a candy thermometer

Oil a 9 x 13 baking pan and then powder liberally with the potatostarch. Pour 1/2 cup of the water and the gelatin into the bowl ofyour stand mixer. Allow to sit for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, mix the remaining 1/4 cup water, the sugar and syrup together in a medium saucepan. Cook over medium heat until the mixture reaches 250 degrees on a candy thermometer. Do not stir once the mixture starts to bubble, or you risk having the syrup crystallize. Wash down any crystalsthat form on the sides of the pan with a clean pastry brush dipped in coldwater. Once the mixture has reached 250 degrees, remove it from the heat andimmediately drizzle it into the gelatin mixture with the mixer running at lowspeed. Once the syrup has all been poured in, increase the speed to high. (You may need to do this slowly to prevent splatters, or cover thebowl with a tent of plastic wrap.) Beat for 10 minutes on high until whiteand fluffy. Pour and/or scrape the fluff into the prepared pan and allow to dryovernight. Turn out onto a board dusted liberally with potato starch and cutinto cubes with a pizza cutter. Dredge all sticky sides in the potato starchand store in an airtight container. Marshmallows should keep for severalweeks (if they last that long!)

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